Update on the Current Events

Dear participants of Recyclix,
I would like to inform you that the situation concerning the company takeover is steadily moving towards its resolution and this is why we wanted to provide you with an update on the current events as well as give you some details about the illegal activities of the raiders that recently came to light.
First of all, it seems that the people who took the company website over at the request of Gabriel Mikhaeli genuinely believe that they supposedly suffer some kind of ‘expenses’ for carrying out an unlawful takeover of the company and bribing third-party persons who became involved in this crime.

Since we like double checking the facts, we decided to confirm what was the exact amount of funds that the impostor who pretended to be the company’s director received and find out under which circumstances he did so. According to the words of Igor Pshenychnyi, he was transferred €3000 after the remaining funds were withdrawn from the operating account of Recyclix in CSOB bank by the raiders.

It’d be worthwhile to remind you that he was actually promised to be given as much as €100,000 by the team of the raiders in case of a successful takeover of the company. However, the raiders either could not keep their promises or they simply had no intention to do so in the first place.
Also, one should understand that Igor Pshenychnyi—who was previously convicted of different crimes twice—seems to have particular character traits that affect his way of interaction with our representative in a certain manner.
As far as we understand, at the moment his principal aim is to receive funds from our team for the sake of a voluntary resolution of the issue, which we believe is totally unacceptable.
Regaining control over the company is simply a question of time. The case is being handled by the Polish court and the reason for the current delay is associated with Igor Pshenychnyi being on the run somewhere on the territory of Ukraine.
Name: Pshenychnyi Igor Victorovich
Address: Pechenizka str. 1/7 app. 81, Kiev, Ukraine, 04107
Bday: 21 Oct 1972

The company takeover case will be considered by court in any case, whether in the presence of Pshenychnyi or not, and therefore he is of interest to us only as a person involved in the criminal case as well as a connecting link between the real criminals behind the company takeover and the embezzled funds.
Apart from Igor Pshenychnyi, we would also like to remind you of the Vasiljevs family who managed to illegally withdraw over €1 mln from BEPAY account for their personal advantage. In spite of giving statements about the fund embezzlement to the bank and the Finnish police, we found out about organization of yet another conspiracy for the purpose of regaining access to the currently blocked BEPAY funds stored at the accounts of Aleksin Kappahuone in Nordea Bank and their following embezzlement. It should be mentioned that this conspiracy is being organized by Sergey Vasiljevs together with persons from Eco Green Line SIA.
From outside the whole situation appears like the circular firing squad where every side tries to take advantage of the other to get their piece of pie. In this message we would like to remind these people that a free piece of pie can often be a trap and tricks like these usually lead to severe consequences.

It should be pointed out that the Latvian court will deliver a judgement concerning the payback of the blocked funds in the course of several next months and we will inform you about the refund procedure in detail as soon as such information becomes available.
Payback of the funds that are stored on the accounts of Sergey Vasiljevs will directly depend on the extent of your interest in receiving a refund and collaborating with the law enforcement investigations. It would be very sad to know if the clients’funds will remain in the hands of ‘an anonymous management team’ in some inexplicable way. As you may have noticed, the persons who seized the website haven’t introduced themselves to the public in any manner, which makes the whole situation even more obvious.
All events that are currently happening constitute one big lie and an act of sheer hypocrisy towards the company’s clients. This is why we are determined to stand our ground in court. We would like to ask you not to jump to hasty conclusions and give us a chance to bring this matter to a logic and just end in a lawful way.

Summing up all currently available information about the raiders, we can say that the initiator of the illegal takeover of the company as well as the provoker of these events is Gabriel Mikhaeli. Evgeniy is his business partner and the person who seems to have come up with these ideas. Sergey Vasiljevs, who happens to be a close acquaintance of Evgeniy, is the bookkeeping consultant. The negotiator on behalf of the raiders is probably someone called Maksim, though unfortunately it turned out to be impossible to confirm this information. And Igor Pshenychnyi is the money mule for the raiders.
Other perpetrators of the crime who helped the raiders to forge the documents used for an illegal transfer of the ownership rights over the company to Igor Pshenychnyi are a small criminal group that is engaged in money laundering and business fraud.

Currently Igor Pshenychnyi acts as a person under control of a group of ‘serious people’ whose interests, according to the words of Pshenychnyi, he cannot violate without receiving a certain amount of funds from our team. It looks like the people behind Igor Pshenychnyi cannot even imagine that the funds they were initially planning to embezzle might end up in possession of Sergey and Evgeny in case if a police officer gets bribed for the purpose of unblocking these funds.
We are closely monitoring the whole situation and will keep you informed about any developments concerning the progress of the investigations as well as the raiders activities.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Update on Progress of the Governmental Investigations

Dear participants of Recyclix,
We would like to let you know that the investigations concerning the unlawful embezzlement of funds by the raiders are underway in several countries. Later on we will provide you with details of the investigations and the most interesting facts they shed light on and today we decided to prepare a brief insight into the most important developments in these cases.
The legal case in Latvia that we mentioned in the previous newsletters is being prepared to be submitted to the court so that the justice can decide who and in which manner—out of those project participants who sent a written statement to the Latvian police—will get their money back.
Unfortunately, currently it’s not possible to accelerate this procedure in any way due to the massive number of statements that were sent to the investigative officer who is handling the case against Eco Revolution SIA entity.
Among other news that we would like to share with you are that Alexander Sivaks was given a written undertaking not to leave the country, the property of Eco Green Line SIA was seized, and the property of companies affiliated with Eco Revolution SIA as well as the assets of their shareholders were seized for purposes of execution of the judgement.
Contact information of the investigator who handles the case against Eco Revolution SIA is presented below.
Olga Lugus
Phone number: +371 672 08138
Valsts policijas
Galvenās kriminālpolicijas pārvaldes
Ekonomisko noziegumu apkarošanas pārvaldes
1.nodaļas vecākajai inspektorei
Olgai Lugus
kriminālprocesā Nr.11816012816
We are waiting for the court ruling concerning the case of the company domain and legal entity theft so that the legitimate director of Recyclix can be reinstated in office and access to the website of the company can be restored. Straight after that we will proceed to provision of the compensations and damage recovery procedures from BEPAY.
Contact information of the justice entity that handles the case in Poland is presented below.
Sad Rejonowy dla Warszawy sygn. II C 823/17
Sedzia Piotr Chodarcewicz
Ul. Antoniego Kocjana 3
Tel. 22 328 60 00
The Czech Republic
Currently the Czech Republic police are carrying out an investigation that aims to establish the identities of persons who have taken the hosting service under their control and are intentionally providing false information about the situation to the users.
At first we thought that it was Igor Pshenychnyi who controlled the website but later on we managed to locate his whereabouts and found out that he doesn’t have anything to do with the content on the website and he doesn’t know anything about the author of the texts.
According to his words, he was offered €100,000 for acting as a new director of the company and cooperating with the raiders by transferring access to the bank and the company accounts to a group of unknown people. After the assistance with the company takeover was furnished by Igor Pshenychnyi, people who hired him stopped answering his calls and disappeared.
Since we are especially interested in reconstructing the complete chain of events to understand what exactly happened and help the police, we continue to investigate the circumstances and persons involved in this unfortunate event that led to the bankruptcy of the company and legal proceedings that may take years to be finished.
Below you can find details associated with the cases that are currently being handled in the Czech Republic.
(A) Legal case against the hosting provider
Okresní soud v Teplicích U soudu 1450/11 416 61 Teplice
V Mostě, 7. září 2017
Case number: 10 C 197/2017-41
JUDr. Ivana Dvořáková, v.r.
(B) Criminal case against Igor Pshenychnyi
JID: PCR00ETRfo60204068
Obvodní ředitelství policie Praha I
Služba kriminální policie a vyšetřování
odbor obecné kriminality
4. oddělení obecné kriminality
Bartolomějská 6, 110 00 Praha 1
detašované pracoviště
Praha 6, Pelléova 21
IDDS: rkiai5y
FAKE Refund Offers from SCAMMERSpassports and addresses of thefts will be published soon 😉 – stay tuned!
We noticed that the raiders who have taken control over the company website are sending messages to the participants in which they offer to provide help in getting their funds back for a certain fee. Here is the complete text of the message:
WARNING! Fraud text:

# Request a private BTC address through a private message
# Send 0.03 Bitcoin to that address
# Send your Accound ID / Email with the Transaction ID or a screenshot of the fees payment
# After the verification you’ll receive an email with a confirmation link within 48 hours
# Click on the link and you will receive the refund in your BTC wallet.
– How do i know how much i’ll be refunded ? 

# We calculate the initial investment and all the profit that was generated before february 25, 2017 

# No reduction is applied and we do not accept statements from other websites that has no relation with our service like Ecorevolution

– How can the support team refund me ?

# After making a valid refund request, our programmers will calculate the refund amount and send a request to the owners of the financial accounts of Recyclix and once your request is approved, the company will refund you to the same BTC wallet you used to pay the fees
– Are these activities legal ?

# The owners of the financial accounts are still hiding their identities and this is not legal but our activities are legal and everyone can check the T&Cs that was stamped by the juridical court in Poland

– Why are they hiding their identities ? 

# We are not reponsible about what happened to Recyclix and as we mentioned in our previous update, we are offering our help to refund all users who have money stuck in the company for some fees. The owners of the financial accounts will face big problems if they show their real identity now but if they refund as many users as possible (through us) there won’t be complaints against them and they can show their identities without problems
– How long does it take to receive my refund after the fees payment ?

# Once the fees payment is confirmed, your refund request will be valid and it will take up to 48 hours to receive the confirmation Email that will release your refund
For more questions you can contact the support team but do not judge our activities, since we are not responsible about what happened to recyclix. We are just offering our help


# We will refund users who invested 2000€ or more.

# All profit accumulation and withdrawals before february 25, 2017 is not deduced from the refund
# Each refund request is processed in 48 hours
# We accept the payment of owed fees through Bitcoin only.

# All users should have/create a Bitcoin wallet and pay the fees from their own wallet.

# Users who invested less than 2000€ should wait for our next Update.

Please mind that the company participants DO NOT need to pay any fees in order to receive the refund. Do not send your money to anyone in connection with the compensation provision program. The client base with the relevant information on all users is owned solely by us, Recyclix crisis management team, and this is why no one except our team can be engaged in handling the compensation provision program.
We feel deeply sorry that the scheming and greed of the previous management team led the company to such deplorable situation and we would like to thank all of you for your patience and help in preparing and sending the written statements.
We expected that the whole process would go forward more quickly, but unfortunately right now we are unable to change anything or influence the system and therefore the only thing we can do is to wait for the court rulings and results of the investigations.
Currently the company is not planning to get back to the recycling activities, however we still do not want to leave the market with stained reputation. All project participants and their embezzled funds are always in our thoughts and we are sure that eventually the justice will triumph.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Important Update on Progress of the Governmental Investigations and Current Events

Dear participants of Recyclix,
We would like to let you know that so far our crisis management team has managed to achieve substantial progress in recovery of the members’ funds. In this newsletter we will tell you about the advances made in governmental investigations into the illegal takeover of Recyclix and embezzlement of funds. For the sake of convenience, all information is divided into corresponding sections.
Progress in Latvia
We have successfully traced the whereabouts of the misappropriated funds in the amount of €1 mln to Riga, Latvia. This is why we contacted the investigative authorities and lawyers in Riga, conducted all necessary negotiations, and received explanations and answers on matters associated with recovering the embezzled funds and getting them back to the Recyclix participants. The Latvian investigative department, headed by Olga Lugus, is working on this criminal case.
The legal rationale for recovery of the participants’ funds is set out in the Article 357 of the Criminal Code of Latvia. The article says that the assets are given back to the legitimate owner upon request of the designated person once withholding of these assets for purposes of meeting the objectives of the criminal proceedings is no longer needed.
Considering the abovesaid, in order to recover your funds you will need to prepare a written statement addressed to the investigator Olga Lugus (valsts policijas Galvenās kriminālpolicijas pārvaldes Ekonomisko noziegumu apkarošanas pārvaldes 1.nodaļas vecākajai inspektorei Olga Lugus). Such written statement shall necessarily have a copy of the corresponding invoice—authorized by the bank—attached to it.
Example of this statement, which you will need to send to the investigator in Latvian, is available over here. All those who would like to get familiar with this document in English can access it over here.
We would like to repeat that the statement shall be filled out strictly in Latvian. In the statement you must fill in your full name, address, the exact amount of the damage caused, and the exact dates when you transferred funds to Recyclix. Also, on a compulsory basis you must attach proofs that you are the legitimate owner of the funds. These can be any official papers like invoices that clearly state that you transferred the full amount of money you specified in the statement to Recyclix.
The completed written statement must be sent by mail to the investigative department in Riga located at Stabu iela 89, Riga, LV1011.
These written statements coupled with payment proofs will help the investigators make the decision about returning the funds back to the participants of Recyclix who suffered financial losses. We believe that you will be able to get your money back as early as two to three weeks after the receipt of the written statement by the Latvian investigative authorities.
In case if, due to this or that reason, you won’t be able to receive your funds by way of applying to the investigation officers, you will be able to get your money back subsequent to the court ruling. All legal procedures in court, such as case hearings and delivering of the judgement, will take about three to four months.
All depositors of Recyclix will be declared as victims and the court will resolve that every one of them shall be refunded the equal amount of money they transferred to the company.
If you would like to speed up this process, we recommend you not to linger about filling out the written request—strictly in Latvian—and sending it by mail to the address mentioned above as soon as possible. This statement is in complete compliance with the law of Latvia and has been approved by the local authorities and lawyers.
Progress in the Czech Republic
Currently a forensic graphologic examination of the signature on the power of attorney—by means of which Igor Pshenychnyi managed to illegally take Recyclix over—is being carried out in Prague.
This examination is handled by the Criminal Police and Investigation Service Units of Prague (SKPV Prahy) where on May 17 2017 the Police of Prague sent the corresponding request for initiating criminal proceedings against Igor Pshenychnyi and performing of the respective handwriting examination.
Please be sure to get familiar with the document that was provided by the police and proves this fact over here.
We are sure that in accordance with the findings of the examination the signature on the power of attorney will be considered forged because it was not written by the legitimate director of Recyclix, Alexander Suranovas. Therefore, following the completion of the graphologic examination a criminal case against Igor Pshenychnyi and the notary public who authorized this document will be opened.
Besides that, Alexander Suranovas was questioned as part of the investigation and he confirmed that the signature on the power of attorney does not belong to him. A sample of his signature for further proof was taken by the forensics agents.
Currently the investigative authorities of the Czech Republic are taking all possible measures in order to assess the financial damages caused and establish their exact amount by performing investigative actions into all involved persons and bank accounts.
However, it is not yet possible to ascertain the exact amount of the damage since the hosting of Recyclix website and bank accounts where the participants’ funds were stored currently remain under control of Igor Pshenychnyi because of the forged power of attorney. We would like to repeat once more that the information currently presented on recyclix.com website is false.
According to the inside information we received from the investigative officer who is working on the case, Igor Pshenychnyi has already been put on the wanted list in the European Union. In the nearest time the investigator will provide us with the corresponding documents.
As soon as we have regained control over the company in a legal way, we will be able to block the website—so that it doesn’t get transferred to someone else from the raiders team—and commence with the compensation provision process.
Once the exact amount of the financial losses resulting from the illegal activities of Igor Pshenychnyi has been established, we will publish a refund statement which you will need to fill out and send to the investigative authorities in order to get your funds back.
Progress in Poland
Currently a graphologic examination of the signature of Igor Pshenychnyi on the power of attorney is also being carried out in Warsaw. Apart from it, we are taking all necessary measures for getting the company back to whom it really belongs as soon as possible. In order to do that we have filed a wide array of petitions in court that will let us block the company website and prevent its illegal transfer to any other third party.
However, the legal proceedings in Poland are taking more time than expected and this is why our lawyers have prepared a motion about speeding up the process and sent it to the court. You can review this document over here.
Also, we would like to let you know that a ruling of the Polish court about the prohibition of registration activities with respect to Recyclix has entered into force. It was necessary to prevent Igor Pshenychnyi from transferring the ownership of the company to a third party, this way making it more difficult for the legitimate owners to regain control over it.
Be sure to get familiar with the court ruling about the prohibition of registration activities over here.
Delays in the legal case in England
As we already mentioned earlier, a criminal case against Dainis Vasiljevs—who embezzled funds of the participants in the amount of several millions of euros—has been initiated.
The investigative authorities are currently working on the case and as soon as we have received the complete information about it, we will prepare the corresponding statement which you will need to send to the bodies that are handling the investigation in order to get your funds back.
As a finishing touch to this newsletter, we would like to point out that currently you can send a request for recovery of the funds, the example of which you can find on this website, to the police of Latvia. Refund statements meant for provision to the police of England and the Czech Republic will be published in the shortest possible time.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Update on the Governmental Investigations and Current Events

Dear participants of Recyclix,

In this message I would like to give you an important update about the progress of governmental investigations into the illegal activities of the raiders as well as tell you a couple of words about the current events.

I would like to let you know that we have received the results of examination of the signature on the power of attorney that made it possible for Igor Pshenychnyi to illegally take the company over. We’ll hand these documents over to the court this week so that the legitimate director of Recyclix can be reinstated in office in the shortest possible time.

When it comes to disclosing the raiders’ names, their motives, and the progress on provision of the compensations, following a fruitful meeting with the official governmental investigators in Poland it was decided not to do so because we have no reason to continue making seemingly futile attempts to prove the obvious facts anymore.

Since now all communications with the raiders on our part will be stopped and instead of it we will be strictly following further instructions from the law enforcement agencies of Poland.

We would like to ensure you that all funds at disposal of our team will be fully paid back to the participants of Recyclix. However, we possess no information about the raiders’ plans on commencement of the compensation provision process. If you would like to receive such information, you should make an inquiry about it to their team.

All detailed information about the exact dates of the compensation provision process commencement on our part will be published on recyclix.com website as soon as the situation associated with the company takeover has been successfully resolved in a legal way.

Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.

Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,

Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Message to the Raiders and Update on Provision of the Compensations

Dear participants of Recyclix,
In this message I would like to share with you a list of Recyclix members who are included in the first phase of the compensation provision program. Be sure to access the document over here.
Also, I would like to address Dainis Vasiljevs and his partners in crime and demand them to provide refunds to the users in the exact amount as specified in the document presented above. Should Dainis Vasiljevs and the rest of the raiders have any questions about the procedure of the compensation provision, they can contact our team at our office in Riga.
We saw the bank account statements that the raiders uploaded to the seized website and we are really sorry that your personal data were made public in such a mindless way. If you feel that your privacy or any other rights were abused, you are welcome to make a complaint to the hosting company of recyclix.com, which will help accelerate the procedure of closing the seized website down and stop the raiders from disclosing personal data without consent of the users.
Since the bank statements were selected in a manner that would make the raiders look legitimate, our team will soon publish an unabridged bank account statement—with due respect for the user rights for privacy—showing all relevant information on payouts.
Considering that everything the raiders have published on behalf of Dainis Vasiljevs so far either opposes the facts or sounds very little credible—beginning from the mythical loan agreement and non-existent contractual arrangements between Igor Pshenychnyi and other raiders as well as a lack of any official contact information and names of their so-called team—we believe that the best solution for the raiders right now would be to stop complicating the matters and simply fulfill their obligations by giving back the money to the users of Recyclix.
These outstanding obligations were unfulfilled by BEPAY—that was taken over by Dainis Vasiljevs—which is now trying to make the whole thing look like it was just another ‘deceived investor’.
Our team has always been the supporter of diplomatic ways in problem solving through negotiations and this is why we remind the raiders that they can visit our office in Riga and get themselves acquainted with the compensation provision strategy we prepared.
We would like to say that, taking the deplorable position of the raiders into consideration, we see no point in continuing to engage in this information war any more. The official government investigations will soon yield their results and right now we recommend the raiders to stop wasting everyone’s time and set the automatic redirection from the seized website to ecorevolution.com.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Answering the Raiders: Analysis and Fact Check

Dear participants of Recyclix,
A couple of days ago the raiders who took over Recyclix and its website published a message in which they strictly recommended the public not to make deposits into the mirror website of the company, claimed that ‘the unjust enrichment of the organizers is still happening’, and tried to awkwardly enforce an array of false statements onto the users.
From the message they published we can understand that they do not have a slightest notion about how to act further on. It seems that they do not know that registrations and deposits/withdrawals are currently disabled on ecorevolution.com due to the crisis management process, whilst the lack of any proofs and evidence of these statements makes them even less credible.
This is exactly why our team decided to analyze their message and prepare a public answer that features a detailed fact check of all allegations of the raiders.
…Our side is the same deceived investor as the rest of the people. Mr. Pshenichny gave the company a large amount of foreign money for certain obligations…
As of now, your side has not even managed to present themselves to the members of Recyclix and our team. When it comes to the statement about Igor Pshenychnyi giving money to the company, of which no one seems to know apart from you, we ask you to provide the contract for such transactions where the sum of money, all parties involved, and all dates and places are specified.
…Obligations were not fulfilled on the promised date, the money disappeared…
According to the information we possess, currently Gabriel keep backs over €1 mln on an account in the Finnish department of Nordea bank. Overall, he and his partners in crime have stolen over €3 mln.
…According to the company’s founder, as a pledge of power of attorney, in connection with the failure to comply with the deadlines, the firm was officially re-registered as a creditor…
The company’s founder didn’t prepare any power of attorney documents himself. There was, although, a forged power of attorney that was used by you in order to take control of the company. The rest will be found out by the investigators during questioning of your partners in crime.
…The documents and money promised were not returned. Man just disappeared…
It’s not clear what documents, money, and people you are talking about. In case of making a statement and claiming something, we ask you to provide evidence.
…At the time of access to the bank account of the company in the CSOB bank, there was already nothing on the balance sheet. To the accounts of the company in Poland and other countries, Mr. Pshenichny did not have access and does not have. Account statements from the bank account will be published…
Igor Pshenychnyi was never meant to have access to anything in the company. Instead of making false statements, we ask you to provide screenshots of the CSOB bank account showing where the funds were sent.
…As it turned out, everything was planned in advance. The fictional reason for the suspension of activities and payments was a fire, then an attempt to take possession of the company by a third party, etc…
This is exactly what we are seeing right now. Illegal activities of taking possession of the company that were planned and carried out by you.
…In fact, all the funds were mastered and further “development” of the organization was not expected. The main intention is to get as much money from investors as possible by fraud…
In fact, on January 12 BEPAY company has stopped to fulfill its obligations, which led the company to collapse. It’s crystal clear that the further development of the company was not planned to be continued alongside with people who were guided by greed, didn’t care about ethical standards, and didn’t have any business development plan.
Financial fraud was the idea of Gabriel and his partners in crime who robbed the company, then decided that it was still not enough, and illegally took over Recyclix. However, all unlawful actions lead to the consequences and we will not let Gabriel achieve his plans, combating him in a legal way.
…There is no anti-crisis team. The information that was published by the allegedly anti-crisis team concerns individuals who were fraudulently involved and provided credit support at the first stages of the company’s activities. The organization was a typical financial pyramid…
Actually, there is no detective agency—which doesn’t even appear in Google search—you allegedly hired who are allegedly conducting negotiations with BEPAY and allegedly carrying out an investigation. There is no crisis management plan from your team and there are no documents that you always refer to in your messages.
The truth is that from the very beginning those people who have now illegally took over the company were receiving funds for business development purposes from Recyclix, but instead of it they were spending these funds on other purposes and were cashing them out through recycling factories and shady business schemes. Knowing that you are the organizers of the company takeover and embezzlement of client funds, it’s ridiculous to look at your false allegations claiming that you were fraudulently involved in the business.
…”Anti-crisis team” tried to discredit Mr. Pshenichny on the grounds that he appears in criminal proceedings initiated by Czech law enforcement agencies. The reality is that he is a victim as a result of the actions of intruders who have taken possession of his vehicle. In turn, the only founder and director of the company to whom you all trusted was serving a sentence in a correctional institution in Denmark for theft; Now is under investigation in the case of fraud related to the company’s activities…
Earlier we have mentioned that the company founder was in a correctional institution in Denmark. However, what you forgot to mention is that all of your names are also included in this criminal case.
…What happened during the survey: A) from the company’s accounts all money was withdrawn and withdrawn regularly throughout the time (the beneficiaries will be published) B) There are no processing plants on the balance sheet of the company, all activities represented a fraudulent scheme aimed at enriching the organizers B) there is already an official investigation in Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic States…
Firstly, we will be waiting for all official documents and proofs that you have. Secondly, it was always said publicly that the company had no recycling plants on the balance sheet. This fraudulent scheme, however, was implemented by Gabriel and his partners from Eco Green Line SIA entity who are now enjoying funds of the members of the company.
And lastly, we would like to ask you to publicly share all news on the progress of the official investigations you mentioned.
…The organizers of this structure were the below mentioned persons. The main organizer was Sergei Berezin (photo number 1, 1984 year of birth). His right hand Arthur Potapov (photo number 2, born in 1982). Programmers and those. Resource support and control over transfers: ITVA company, responsible persons: Vitaliy Markevich and Yuri Briginsky. All information received will be published. The main organizers are based in the Dominican Republic, some of them are in Russia, where they have financial participation in private business…
The organizers of this structure were actually Mikhaeli Gabriel and his associates, whilst Dmitri Paladi was an executive manager appointed by Gabriel. The rest of the people were common participants of the project who were performing tasks given out by Dmitri under the guidance of Gabriel.
Mikhaeli Gabriel

…Based on the initiated criminal cases, we will try to block all bank accounts of the company, as well as accounts for which funds were withdrawn from the main sources. Affiliated structures and organizations will also be involved…
And although you may ‘try to’ block any bank accounts, you will not be able to do so because you have not yet succeeded in opening a single criminal case about the whole situation. Instead of it, we are asking you to return the money you embezzled — €840,000 that we mentioned in our previous newsletter and provided a screenshot that proves the transaction—without providing any explanation about it.
When it comes to affiliated organizations and structures, we are eager and willing to publish a list of all fly-by-night companies you used to carry out the financial fraud and embezzlement of funds.
…Our side does not require any investment from you and does not accept them. Our goal is to stop activities and restore justice. We ask you to render all possible assistance in the investigation: To inform about participation in conferences, about persons with whom you communicated on this project, Kindly request, if you are handling issues regarding contributions to the company – indicate in the subject line of the letter invesment, if you are handling information about the activities of the organization or persons involved in it – info recyclix.
In advance, we thank all those who are ready to provide and those who have already provided information.
P.S. An appeal to large investors: we urge you to participate in a non-profit association that will lead the process of reimbursing the invested funds. Ready investors can write a request with an indication in the subject line: cooperation…
No one ever ‘required’ any investments and currently the company is not engaged in any recycling or other activities. And if one looks at your actions, it seems that there will be no justice.
We see that you mentioned a non-profit association. Actually, there is already an organization like this and it was created by a member of the company from Switzerland, Herald K. What non-profit association are you referring to? Yet another fly-by-night company that you founded?
Lastly, we would like to let you know that several months ago during the winter Dainis Vasiljevs transferred the ownership of BEPAY company to Gabriel, whom we mentioned earlier in our investigation and newsletters.
This is why we disclose documents — discovered by a team of private detectives we hired—using which the transfer of ownership of the company was carried out and we ask the raiders to provide the members of Recyclix and our team with detailed and transparent explanations on this account.

Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page has been recovered from the raiders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Latest News and Developments: Progress of Investigations and Current Events

Dear participants of Recyclix,
I would like to share with you some new facts about the illegal takeover of the company and crisis management program as well as to take my time to send a brief message to the intruders.
Following the publication of our message to the illegal intruders on May 9—whoever they may be—we haven’t yet received any kind of answer from them and saw neither their names nor contact details published anywhere. We would like to ask these people to stop hiding and get in touch with us, better if it would be done publicly, so that we can arrange a meeting at our office in Riga, Latvia.
And whilst we are waiting for the answer from the intruders, we would like to tell you about new developments in the situation with the illegal takeover and show you some documents that were presented to the law enforcement agencies as the evidence of money embezzlement and unlawful takeover.
Over the last several weeks we have been drawing up and preparing all necessary papers—claims, complaints, testimonies, and so on—for submission to the bodies of law enforcement and private companies in the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic concerning illegal activities of Dainis Vasiljevs and Igor Pshenychnyi. And we can already see the progress.
For example, we have received the answer from the Action Fraud, the UK National Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting Centre, about the illegal acts of Dainis Vasiljevs who has stolen money of Recyclix members through BEPAY for embezzlement purposes. The case is currently being assessed, but please be sure to get acquainted with the letter from the Action Fraud over here.
A public notary who signed the forged general power of attorney has given his consent to cancel the validity of the document after a visit by Recyclix’s director, Alexander Suranovas. Therefore, we expect to recover access to the original website of the company in the shortest possible term.
Apart from it, we are publishing this payment order confirmation — proving the existence of the transaction in the amount of €840,000 from the BEPAY account in Czech CSOB bank to the account of a certain Aleksin Kauppahuone OY in the Finnish department of Nordea bank—and we are demanding the evildoers to provide answers and explications on account of this image.
Also, we would like to let you know that Alexander Sivaks, one of the founders of Eco Green Line SIA entity we mentioned in our internal investigation, was questioned by a criminal investigator on May 10 in Riga concerning the origin and current whereabouts of the funds that he received for alleged construction of new recycling plants. Since questionings of shareholders of the group of companies that Recyclix was composed of will continue, we expect that the persons who are currently managing Eco Green Line SIA would try to declare the entity bankrupt in order to withdraw from the responsibility.
The case of Igor Pshenychnyi and his partners in crime is currently tackled by the Czech Republic police and later on this week we expect to receive new information from the Czech law enforcement agencies about the progress of the case and the whereabouts of the money stolen via BEPAY. As soon as such information has been provided to us, we will share it with you with pleasure.
Personally we believe that the pressure applied to the group of illegal intruders—who have not even revealed their names yet—by the police will make them disappear as quickly as they appeared.
When it comes to the implementation of the crisis management program, we would like to advise you beforehand that there may be certain delays in the first phase of compensation provision process due to a class action lawsuit currently prepared against the company. In case if the lawsuit will be pursued and won, the court and only the court will decide the process, amount, and deadlines for the compensation provision program via selling off of all assets and property of the company.
Currently a group of highly experienced lawyers in Poland, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and Latvia are working for our team and will continue to do so for over a year in order to help the company through this chaotic period of time. We are willing to take our time and collaborate with judicial bodies and law enforcement agencies in order to ensure seamless implementation of the compensation provision process.
In the coming days and weeks Gabriel, who we think is the originator of a series of offences and attacks against the company, will probably try to abscond and avoid any contact with the law enforcement bodies because he is involved in commitment of several crimes at the same time.
Firstly, he tried to illegally take over BEPAY company, which can be proven using a document at our disposal. Secondly, he laundered funds transferred from Recyclix to fly-by-night companies. Thirdly, he illegally took over Recyclix and its domain and website.
On top of that, he partnered with Sergey Vasiljevs during the takeover of BEPAY and hired members of the criminal community in Prague, a group operated by Karen K*****n and Ramzan “Prazhskij”, so that they would blackmail and intimidate the old management team of Recyclix who refused to fulfil his demands that were against the law.
As a finishing touch to this newsletter, I would like to state that the persons who act on behalf of Gabriel are losing their time. Their attempts of blackmailing and intimidating will fail and Gabriel will receive neither any moral pleasure out of this confusion nor the money that he is after.
We would like to strongly recommend you not to provide your personal data to anyone who may be illegally taking actions on behalf of Recyclix or BEPAY if not explicitly stated otherwise on ecorevolution.com or the official Facebook page of the company. Also, please be sure not to take seriously any information about Recyclix unless it’s published on the official mirror website, ecorevolution.com, or in the official Facebook group of the company.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page is recovered from the team of illegal intruders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Official Message to the Illegal Intruders from the Recyclix Crisis Management Team

In this message I would like to address the group of illegal intruders, whoever they may be, and tell them my thoughts and opinion about this unlawful action in a public way.
Private detectives hired by our team already tried to locate and contact Igor Pshenychnyi, who is officially wanted by the police in Czech Republic for a car theft, but so far it was not possible to detect this individual because he is apparently hiding.
My message to the group of illegal intruders will be brief. Firstly, I am asking you to publicly present yourselves to the participants of Recyclix and our team and explain, in detail and publicly as well as with provision of evidence and proofs, on what grounds you should be considered the true new management team of Recyclix.
Secondly, when it comes to the negotiations on the process of returning the funds, we are willing and eager to do this, but only in a legal and public manner through our lawyers.
Therefore, I am asking you to publish the contacts of your team of lawyers, as well as any other contacts that we may use to get in touch with you, on recyclix.com website.
And I would to repeat it once more. From now on all communications between our team and you, whoever you may be, shall be carried out in a public way.

Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky

Announcement of the Internal Investigation and News on the Progress of the Crisis Management Program

Dear investors of Recyclix,
I am Yaroslav Mikhalsky, the chairman of the new management team of Recyclix, and in this crucially important message I would like to share with you the completed internal investigation into the the activities of Recyclix and the reasons behind the illegal takeover of the company as well as give you the latest details on commencement of the process of provision of the compensations.
However, before getting down to explaining in which way and when the compensations will be paid, I would like to cover the issue of the illegal takeover of Recyclix by Igor Pshenychnyi and the respective internal investigation into that matter that our team has prepared.
As you have probably noticed, currently recyclix.com website cannot be accessed. This is associated with the illegal actions of the team of evildoers who—like we told you in the previous newsletter—have managed to forge the official documents and unlawfully get hold of the company.
Fortunately, we have succeeded to establish the identities of these individuals as well as reconstruct negligent actions of the old management team of the company and the events that led to this chaotic and unpleasant situation.
All important facts about the true story behind what was happening at Recyclix when it was managed by the old executive team are presented in the internal investigation that I would like to share with you.
Remember that it’s very important to take your time to get familiar with this document in order to understand the current situation of the illegal takeover as well as to get ourselves prepared for a smooth and seamless process of the compensation provision.
Just like we promised in the latest update in the official Facebook page of the company, as a further evidence of the illegal takeover of the company we provide you with the originals of the forged unlimited power of attorney — featuring the names of lawyers who performed this illegal action—used to get hold of the company by Igor Pshenychnyi on behalf of the group of intruders uncovered in our investigation and the text of the legal claim against Igor Pshenychnyi on behalf of the director of Recyclix, Aleksandr Suranovas.
As soon as the claim has been successfully reviewed by the court, Aleksandr Suranovas will be reestablished as the director of Recyclix in order to pass the ownership of the company over to our team for completion of the crisis management program and payment of the compensations.
Also, we reckon that the group of people who illegally took over Recyclix are currently reading this newsletter. This is why we are asking them to make a public statement, disclose their identities—although this has already been allegedly done in our internal investigation—and communicate what they want to our team and the investors of Recyclix so that we would be able to resolve this situation in a lawful way and give the investors their funds back.
As of now, the recycling process on all accounts has been stopped and in the following days you will see that all your waste, if available, will be sold. All your account earnings will be automatically combined into one withdrawal order—whilst if you have already had requested a payout earlier and it has not been made yet, it will be also added into the final withdrawal order—the ID of which will be later on sent over to the the crisis management center in order to put you in the queue for subsequent provision of the compensation.
We believe that, just like in case with the illegal takeover of the company on behalf of Ruslan Puksto by the same individuals, this time the legal process of getting the company back will not take much time and will not influence the dates of commencement of the first phase of the compensation provision announced earlier, which is June 2017.
In the previous newsletter we mentioned that a part of the funds meant for provision of the compensations is currently kept in Latvian Citadele bank. As you have found out from the internal investigation published above, these funds are now undergoing an official investigation by the Latvian police and will be released within 6 months. Once these funds have been released, they will be transferred to the crisis management center and will be used for the second phase of the compensation provision process.
We would like to strongly recommend you not to provide your personal data to anyone who may be illegally taking actions on behalf of Recyclix or BEPAY if not explicitly stated otherwise on ecorevolution.com or the official Facebook page of the company. Also, please be sure not to take seriously any information about Recyclix unless it’s published on the official mirror website, ecorevolution.com, or in the official Facebook group of the company.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Until the official Recyclix website page is recovered from the team of illegal intruders, updates about the progress of the crisis management plan, company fiscal and property audit, governmental investigation, and legal cases will be published by our team members via the official mirror of the Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky


As you may have noticed, currently recyclix.com website is not available. This has to do with the illegal takeover of Recyclix by Igor Pshenychnyi, which we told you about in the previous newsletter we published on the official mirror of the company’s website, ecorevolution.com.
We would like to let you know that this situation will be dealt with in the near time in a lawful manner as we have already brought a legal action against the group of these illegal intruders.
The internal investigation by our team that we mentioned earlier has already been completed and we managed to gather and establish the important facts about the illegal takeover, individuals behind it, and what exactly caused it.
The internal investigation and several positive news about the progress of the crisis management program-as well as the originals of official documents such as the legal action against the evildoers, forged papers used to carry out the illegal takeover, and more—will be published in our newsletter on ecorevolution.com later on this week.
In the meantime, we strongly recommend you not to take seriously any information about Recyclix unless it’s published on the official mirror website, ecorevolution.com, or in this Facebook group.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.